

Graf - Education/Edutech | Seed Fund Raise - 50 lakhs from Investpad + SGPL

GRAF is a professionally curated program that acts as a supplement to the foundations of the Indian education system. It is designed with students at the core (class 5-12) –– to equip them with valuable skills that are crucial to finding success in the real world and creating value wherever they go. Their flagship Education+ Program is a curated syllabus designed ground-up by GRAF to build extra-curricular skill sets in children and young adults. GRAF has an online and in-class education model which is tailor made to enable students to make the best of both worlds.

The Challenge

The GRAF-Starfish partnership began when GRAF was more of a concept, armed only with a logo. The teams dug deep to understand go to market levers, product and market fit. Creating a viable and sustainable business from an idea required our efforts on all fronts. This represented the perfect challenge for our financial team to jump in and help create its foundational business and financial models.

The Solution

Starfish was quick off the blocks to help set the right foundation for the business model, financial forecasting and bringing in clarity to approach the B2B and B2C market. Through the partner ecosystem, we brought the right animation, content and child psychology experts to build the foundation blocks as well as prepare the company for their initial round of seed funding. The Starfish leadership team plays critical board level roles at GRAF to help keep the strategy and growth targets on track